Give God the Glory

Photo by Matt Jastram

You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth. Deuteronomy 8:17-18a

The house was crowded with people celebrating the upcoming wedding of my dear friend’s son. Excitement and joy filled the air as the noise of happy chatter bounced about the room.

I was visiting with a couple that had attended one of my summer, young adult Bible studies, when the topic of “Giving thanks to God” came up.

Trevor was sharing that after graduating from college and holding down a somewhat boring job, he had just applied for the job of his dreams and got it.

I was thrilled for him, and said, “Praise the Lord! You must be so thankful to God for this amazing opportunity!”

Calmly and with all seriousness, he said, “No, why should I be? I was the one that worked my tail off at college, I was the one that toiled through monotonous tasks at my last job and I was the one that applied for this new job. God had nothing to do with it.”

I tried to contain my shock as I shut my gaping mouth. The ignorance of that statement, from someone that believed in God (but not Jesus) left me speechless (for a moment).

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights. James 1:17a

I replied, “That is not true. God has everything to do with your blessings. He was the one that gave you a brain that understands how the mechanic of things work, He was the one that gave you the ability and energy to go to school and hold down a job, and He was the one that opened doors for you to even apply for this new job. Whether you believe that or not, it doesn’t matter, it’s still truth. Give God the glory and the thanks He deserves.”

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you for the hundreds of good gifts you have given us. Help us to be a thankful and grateful people and to give you the glory and praise that you deserve. We love you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Published by Linda Colby

Linda has been a Bible teacher in a national women's ministry for the past 14 years, overseeing and leading women of all ages and their children in their pursuit of growing in the knowledge and understanding of the Word and deepening their relationships in Jesus Christ. She is now involved with the new ministry “The Encouraging Word”. She has a Masters in Bible and Theology from Western Seminary and works with a team to write Bible studies that will encourage, teach, counsel and grow men and women in relationship to God and to one another.