Set your hearts on things above

Colossians 3:1

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

Today was my Auntie Kay’s memorial service. A time to celebrate her life and say goodbye. She was my favorite aunt. She was always so full of life and wonderful fun to be with.

Whenever my family would visit when we were kids, she would pile us all in her long station wagon and head out to Donald Street. The street was a hill with a big dip at the bottom. She would speed up that hill as fast as she could sending the car flying through the air, with us kids in the back screaming our heads off, as we were plastered to the roof of the car, because nobody wore seatbelts back then. Then she would bottom out the car as we bounced back to the road. We called it the Donald Street dip, and oh, how we loved it!

My Auntie Kay lived life to the fullest, but at the end of her life she was more than ready to leave this world and go be with Jesus. Her heart was set on things above.

She had a dream several months ago, a dream so vivid and real she remembered it clearly. Jesus appeared to her in her room and she turned to Him and said, “I’m coming home soon”.

Now her real life has started. Her life with Jesus. And I know one of the first things she will want to do in heaven is to take Jesus on a car ride down the Donald Street dip. To go flying through the air with her Savior, watching him laughing and loving every moment of it.

Prayer: Oh my Savior, help me set my heart on things above. Everything on earth is just a shadow of our real life in heaven, that’s where the real adventure will begin. I can’t wait to see my Auntie Kay again and experience new adventures with her in heaven. But most of all I long to be with you, Jesus and see you face-to-face. I love you Lord. Amen

Published by Linda Colby

Linda has been a Bible teacher in a national women's ministry for the past 14 years, overseeing and leading women of all ages and their children in their pursuit of growing in the knowledge and understanding of the Word and deepening their relationships in Jesus Christ. She is now involved with the new ministry “The Encouraging Word”. She has a Masters in Bible and Theology from Western Seminary and works with a team to write Bible studies that will encourage, teach, counsel and grow men and women in relationship to God and to one another.

4 thoughts on “Set your hearts on things above

  1. I love how those of us in Jesus’s family can share joy, and love, and laughter, with each other as one of us makes it home!!!!


  2. That is so beautiful, Linda! What a precious Auntie she was, I am so glad you have these wonderful memories of her, treasure them in your heart 💜 always, Bless you Sweet Lady!


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